Friday, 15 October 2010

Macro Photography

Today i took alot of Macro shots from my 10 megapixel camera. I selected the Macro setting, got a couple objects from my classroom, put them in a mini studio where a light was spot on the mini studio, got my camera selected the Macro setting, press softly on the shutter button, go right close on to the object and took the picture.

The picture above was taken in the mini studio.

The picture above was takin in natural daylight.
The Picture above was taken in the mini studio
The picture Above was taken in natural daylight.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Important photo information

What are the different sources of digital images?

- Mobile Phone Camera
- Digital Camera
- Webcam
- Scanner

How are digital images files stored and played on a computer?

- Removable Medium (Card)
- Bluetooth
- WiFi
- RAW Images = Purest form for the camrea & the largest
- JPEG = Worst form! Makes the image smaller then it already is

How is digital image file quality measured?
- Pixel count - e.g 3000x2000 
- Pixels Physical size - e.g. 4" x 6"
- Megapixel


Analogue Photography

Light enters lens - Then the light hits the sensitive film and reacts with it  - Process turning the light sensitive film into negative film.

Digital Photography

Light enters camera through lens - Hits light sensitive sensor - Signal from sensor converted into digital data by a processor - digital data stored as an image on a storage medium on the camera.

Friday, 8 October 2010

My photography

Target audience: 14-25

Theme: Urban/Natural Crawley

Presentation medium: (print/Web/slideshow) - Slideshow

Portfolio goals and objectives:
• What does the project aim to do?
I aim to make people interested in my photography and make people want to read and look at my photography. 

• What effect do you want to have on the audience?
The effect I want to have is to have the audience questioning themselves and while they're questioning themselves they look at my portfolio and think to themselves I'm right and I want people to make their own view of Crawley.

• Is there a question you are exploring?
Is there a link between urban and nature in this town 

Portfolio description: Explain the types of images the portfolio will contain, such as:
• Landscape
• Portraits
• Close-ups
I would like to take all different types of photos- pictures of benches, pavements, roads, the town, outside of shops, park 

Location and resources:
• Where will your images be taken?
The town, outside of shops, park, around the college, 

• What equipment will you need?
Camera and maybe a tripod.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Useful notes from todays lesson.

Auto focus uses infrared beams to work out the focus difference.
The light bounces off the tree and into the lens.

The shutter is how fast the shutter opens and closes to let light in.
An aperture is how big the opening of the lens is to let light in. Its like your eye pupils

The macro setting is useful when you want to glimpse a close shot very close, using the flower button.


The shutter speed is usually expressed fraction of a second.
1/250th of a second is fast
1/30th of a second is slow - may I say that is the quickest picture you can take without a tripod. (you can get many tripods, the ones that stand on 3 legs and maybe the gorilla pod comes in handy)

In light conditions you need to make your camera have a slightly closed aperture so less light gets in. In dark conditions make the camera have a more open aperture so more light gets in. Similar to your eye pupils.